As far as I can tell, dynamically defining the number of parallel stages
will require that you use the scripted Pipeline syntax rather than the
declarative Pipeline syntax.

There is a stackoverflow article
that shows dynamically defined steps being used in a declarative Pipeline.
It uses either a Pipeline shared library or a snippet of scripted Pipeline
at the end of the declarative Pipeline definition to generate the steps.

On Fri, Jul 12, 2019 at 6:04 AM Stephen DiMilla <> wrote:

> I'm new to using pipelines.
> I'm trying to execute the same commands against a number of nodes in
> parallel
> Ideally I will pass a list of machines to run the same code against. Below
> I am
> hardcoding the machine names (machine1 and machine2) for the purposes of
> this example.
> I found the following in Jenkins Pipeline examples:
> ----------------------------
> def labels = ['precise', 'trusty'] // labels for Jenkins node types we will 
> build ondef builders = [:]for (x in labels) {
>     def label = x // Need to bind the label variable before the closure - 
> can't do 'for (label in labels)'
>     // Create a map to pass in to the 'parallel' step so we can fire all the 
> builds at once
>     builders[label] = {
>       node(label) {
>         // build steps that should happen on all nodes go here
>       }
>     }
> }
> parallel builders
> ----------------------------
> So I adapted it to be the following:
> ----------------------------
> pipeline {
>     stages {
>         stage('Stage1') {
>             steps {
>                 def labels = ['machine1','machine2'] // labels for Jenkins 
> node types we will build on
>                 def builders = [:]
>                 for (x in labels) {
>                     def label = x // Need to bind the label variable before 
> the closure - can't do 'for (label in labels)'
>                     // Create a map to pass in to the 'parallel' step so we 
> can fire all the builds at once
>                     builders[label] = {
>                         node(label) {
>                             sh '''
>                                 echo "hostname:`hostname`"
>                                 echo "whoami:`whoami`"
>                                 '''
>                         }
>                     }
>                 }
>                 parallel builders
>             }
>         }
>     }
> }
> ----------------------------
> But when I use it I get the following error:
> Running in Durability level: MAX_SURVIVABILITY
> org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup 
> failed:
> WorkflowScript: 5: Expected a step @ line 5, column 17.
>                    def labels = ['machine1','machine2'] // labels for Jenkins 
> node types we will build on
>                    ^
> WorkflowScript: 6: Expected a step @ line 6, column 17.
>                    def builders = [:]
>                    ^
> WorkflowScript: 7: Expected a step @ line 7, column 17.
>                    for (x in labels) {
>                    ^
> General error during semantic analysis: There's no @DataBoundConstructor on 
> any constructor of class org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.steps.ParallelStep
> org.kohsuke.stapler.NoStaplerConstructorException: There's no 
> @DataBoundConstructor on any constructor of class 
> org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.steps.ParallelStep
> ----------------------------
> I can't figure a way around this.
> So I was googling around and found this code that does work
> pipeline {
>     agent none
>     stages {
>         stage('stage1') {
>             failFast true
>             parallel {
>                 stage('S1') {
>                     agent {
>                         label "machine1"
>                     }
>                     steps {
>                         sh '''
>                             echo "hostname: `hostname`"
>                             echo "whoami:`whoami`"
>                         '''
>                     }
>                 }
>                 stage('S2') {
>                     agent {
>                         label "machine2"
>                     }
>                     steps {
>                         sh '''
>                             echo "hostname: `hostname`"
>                             echo "whoami:`whoami`"
>                         '''
>                     }
>                 }
>             }
>         }
>     }
> }
> But it's not dynamic, I need to have a stage per machine. Does anyone have a 
> suggestion
> about how I can achieve what I have in my original code?
> I want to dynamically decide what nodes to run the code on.
> --
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Mark Waite

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