
I am trying to use the input step and send the name of the person accepting the change to an email address. Unfortunately the name in the variable is always "null". The name and link in the console output is working fine.

There are 2 issues in Jira that are both marked as resolved [0], [1]. Also setting an parameter did not change the behaviour for me. I also tried a different docker image or setting a submitter for the input step.

While I would understand that there is a scope problem if the name in the post stage would be null it is also null when I echo it in the same stage.

Is anyone using this successfully and can tell me where I am wrong or confirm that the behaviour is not as intended?

        Jenkins 2.187
        Pipeline: Input Step 2.10

Minimal pipeline for reproduction:

pipeline {
    agent {
        docker {
            image 'alpine'

    stages {
        stage('input') {
            steps {
input message: 'Apply changes', submitterParameter: 'COMMITTER'//, parameters: [string(defaultValue: 'herp', description: '', name: 'derp')]
                echo "${env.COMMITTER}"
    post {
        success {
emailext body: "Changes were applied by ${env.COMMITTER}", subject: 'Changes', to: 't...@example.com'


[0] https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-40594
[1] https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-41421

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