
I solved this yesterday for our setup.
If you don't have at least Bitbucket server 5.4 then this guide is not
relevant  to you, see below.

This is the gist

   1.  Install the Bitbucket Branch Source plugin in Jenkins.
   2. Go to Manage Jenkins → Configure System. Scroll down to Bitbucket
   3. Click the Add button and select Bitbucket Server from the dropdown.
   4. Enter the name and URL for your endpoint.
   5. Check the "Manage hooks" checkbox
   6. Enter credentials that have "Admin" access on the Bitbucket Repository
      1. The user adds the hooks, thus needs admin
      2. For our setup I could give the Jenkins user admin rights for just
      the moment and revoked the rights after everything was set up
and working.
   7. Select the "Webhook implementation to use"
      1. Select "Native"
      2. From the Jenkins info: "The native Webhook implementation
      available since Bitbucket Server 5.4." (thus no plugin needed)
      8. Set up the Jenkins Project
      1. We use "Bitbucket Organization Folder"
   9. Let Jenkins scan the project
   10. It should add the hooks under "Webhooks" in Bitbucket
      1. Once this is done you can revoke admin rights for the Jenkins user
      on BB for the repos

I am no expert but hope this helps.


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