Dear Mark,

I agree with you, I'm relying on long-lived agents. I read your answer, but I'm 
not understanding your suggestion to use folders, I do not comprehend how they 
can help. I mean, with folders I can avoid cross application credential usage 
and that is great, but I can't prevent cross environment credential leakage 
within the same application.

Please have a look at the code snippet below. As you will be able to see, with 
this implementation nothing prevents anyone with access to the source code from 
flipping the IDs around and getting the credentials in the wrong environment 
(mistake or malicious action). Furthermore, and to give a little extra context, 
the Pipeline is completely autonomous and will be triggered automatically on 
every (almost) pull request. It is also smart enough to detect a release and 
proceed towards production (with some approvals - of course - to adhere to 
release management).

In such scenario, and considering that the agents only have access to their own 
environment, the only way to prevent a credential to be used or exposed in the 
wrong one would be to deliberately restrict it to that specific agent.

Maybe I'm taking this idea of automation and complete SDLC from source to far! 

I appreciate your answers, thanks you!
J. Oliveira

def WLS_CRED_DEV=’111aaa11-a3a1-4aab-9a20-a11666666a80’
def WLS_CRED_TST=’222aaa11-a3a1-4aab-9a20-a11666666a80 ‘
stage ('Deploy to DEV') {
            agent { label "${agent_dev}"}
            steps {
                        script {
withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: "$WLS_CRED_DEV", 
usernameVariable: 'WL_USER', passwordVariable: 'WL_PASS')]){
                                                sh "mvn -U weblogic:redeploy 
-DskipTests=true -Dfailonerror=true -Duser='${WL_USER}' -Dpassword='${WL_PASS}' 
-Dname=${ARTIFACTID} -Dupload=true -Dsource=target/${ARTIFACTID}-${VERSION}.war 
-Dtargets=${ARTIFACTID} -Dadminurl='${URL_DEV}'"
stage ('Deploy to TST) {
            agent { label "${agent_tst}"}
            steps {
                        script {
withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: "$WLS_CRED_TST", 
usernameVariable: 'WL_USER', passwordVariable: 'WL_PASS')]){
                                                sh "mvn -U weblogic:redeploy 
-DskipTests=true -Dfailonerror=true -Duser='${WL_USER}' -Dpassword='${WL_PASS}' 
-Dname=${ARTIFACTID} -Dupload=true -Dsource=target/${ARTIFACTID}-${VERSION}.war 
-Dtargets=${ARTIFACTID} -Dadminurl='${URL_TST}'"

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