
In your blog post:

"Triggering builds with webhooks behind a secure firewall"

You gave a good overview of how someone can use webhooks
invoked from GitHub in the cloud, to a Jenkins server which exists behind
a firewall, using https://smee.io .

In your post, you mention:

*"you should install the smee client next to where you have the Jenkins
server running:*"

In my case, I am running the jenkins/jenkins:lts docker image
( https://hub.docker.com/r/jenkins/jenkins/ ), which is deployed by
Kubernetes 1.14.
My Jenkins setup is behind a firewall.
However, my source code exists on GitHub which exists in the public cloud.

Since I do not want to modify the jenkins/jenkins:lts docker image,
where can I run the smee client, so that I can still use it
with my setup?

I'd like to get webhooks from the public GitHub triggering builds on
my Jenkins server running behind a firewall.



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