On Thursday, February 13, 2020 at 8:02:49 PM UTC-5, leginox wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a question regarding the setup of a full automated Jenkins 
> configuration and I'm thankful for any help that you might have.
> I created a Container with a RHEL via Docker on which I installed a 
> jenkins which I'm running in a cloud environment.

Are you running Red Hat Enterprise Linux on a virtual machine managed by a 
service such as AWS or GCP? Is the Docker daemon running on a host system 
you control? Are you using an official Jenkins Docker image from 
https://hub.docker.com/r/jenkins/jenkins or did you create your own?

> I'm able to start the jenkins via java {java_opts} -jar 
> /usr/lib/jenkins/jenkins.war {jenkins_oprts}.
> My plan so far was to hand over the initianal password via curl/or python 
> requests library via a post to the "enter initial password form". Therefore 
> I'm opening a session, requesting a Jenkins-Crumb via another post (which 
> successfully works) and then creating a post with authentication 
> admin/initianalpassword as user/pw + crumb in the header. I'm getting a 
> success, but if I try then to access jenkins manually I get asked to enter 
> the initianal password again. I know that the form redirects me to another 
> page where I need to deny that I want to install plugins (I have a script 
> which is transferring the .hpi files automatically and which is working 
> fine), but I'm not able to access this site via a get and I have no clue 
> how to access this site.
> Therefor I tried to use the java option 
> -Djenkins.install.runSetupWizard=false 
> when I'm calling the jenkins.war file. Now I'm actually on the the jenkins 
> home page, but I'm not able to set a user and password from there via 
> curl/requests.
> I also tried to pass --argumentsRealm.passwd.$ADMIN_USER and 
> --argumentsRealm.roles.$ADMIN_USER=admin, but it did not work.
> I also played around with the config.xml by enabling/disabling certain 
> things inside.
> Last but not least I tried also to set the jenkins env user and pw on the 
> rhel directly via the deploy.yaml, but jenkins did not pick them up while 
> starting.

What is the "rhel directory" and what is the purpose of "deploy.yaml"? I'm 
not aware of Jenkins itself interpreting any file called "deploy.yaml" but 
that is a common name for files representing Kubernetes objects. Are you 
attempting to deploy Jenkins via Kubernetes?

> I'm very new to all this and went through a lot of trial and error and I 
> would appreciate if someone of you sees my mistake or if I'm on the 
> complete wrong path to help me out.
> Thank you so much in advance and I hope that I can come back with any help 
> for other users in the future as well.
> Best to you all
> Leginox

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