>    - 
>    Create an SSH key pair (public/private) Ran the command “ssh-keygen -t 
>    rsa -C "Jenkins agent key" -f "jenkinsAgent_rsa" “
>    - 
>    Create an SSH credential in the Jenkins machine and put the private 
>    key there Created the credentials and put jenkinsAgent_rsa into it.
> These steps are fine

>    - 
>    Create an SSH agent see 
> https://github.com/jenkinsci/ssh-slaves-plugin/blob/master/doc/CONFIGURE.md#configure-launch-agents-via-ssh
>  – 
>    This is creating a node which I didn’t do before – so I created the node 
>    and selected the credential with the private key. The verification 
> strategy 
>    slect is non-verifying.
>    - 
>       Select the SSH credential created before as credentials
>       - 
>       Chose the verification strategy that you want, see the 
>       documentation, if you have problems start with the "Non verifying 
>       Verification Strategy" you can change it later
This doing something completly different, you  are creating a jenkins agent 
via ssh,  what you need is an ssh-agent. 

I assume you are using pipelines, the wrap the ssh-calling sh step in an 
sshagent wrapper (best to use the Snippet generator for the details).

>    - 
>    Add the public key on ~/.ssh/authorized_keys This was done
Fine again ( at least if ~ expand to the correct user (whatever jenkins is 
running the agent as), unless you also explicitly specify the user in your 
ssh requests.  From the log it looks like
the agent is running as root (no a good idea, but that is another thing), 
so you would need to add the key to /root/.ssh/authorized_keys (and 
possibly allow remote root logins in the sshd config).

but i am not able to establish the connection between jenkins and ssh server
> my ssh and jenkins server both are hosted on same ip

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