Did you try to provision the same pod definition manually in the K8s 
cluster to check how much time takes k8s to create the pod? Which k8s 
provider do you use? I have a similar setup on GKE and it takes less than 
30 seconds to provision an agent the fisrt time, when the Docker image is 
in the k8s cluster it takes lesst than 20 seconds.

El lunes, 27 de junio de 2022 a las 10:54:20 UTC+2, mone...@gmail.com 

> Hello everyone.
> At my company we have been using Jenkins for our CI infrastructure and 
> recently we decided to start using k8s in order to provisions agents there.
> So i have installed the kubernetes-plugin configured the access to our 
> autopilot k8s cluster and created a pipeline job that builds a maven based 
> project.
> I am pasting the pipeline script below:
>     podTemplate(cloud: 'autopilot',
>     yaml: '''
>         apiVersion: v1
>         kind: Pod
>         metadata:
>           labels:
>         type: maven
>         spec:
>           volumes:
>         - name: deps
>           persistentVolumeClaim:
>             claimName: maven-repo
>           serviceAccount: jenkins-admin
>           containers:
>           - name: maven
>         image: maven:3.8.1-jdk-8
>         command:
>         - sleep
>         args:
>         - 99d
>         tty: true
>         resources:
>         limits:
>           cpu: 2000m
>           memory: 4096Mi
>         requests:
>           cpu: 100m
>           memory: 512Mi
>         volumeMounts:
>         - name: deps
>           mountPath: /root/.m2/repository
>         ''') {
>     timestamps {
>         node(POD_LABEL) {
>           stage('Build a Maven project') {
>           sh "env"
>             checkout(scm: [$class: 'GitSCM',
>                 branches: [[name: "master"]],
>                 doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false,
>                 extensions: [[$class: 'CleanBeforeCheckout']],
>                 submoduleCfg: [],
>                 userRemoteConfigs: [
>                     [credentialsId: 'git-checkout-cred', name: 'origin', 
> url: 'g...@github.com<my-git-repo>.git']]
>                 ]
>             )
>         container('maven') {
>           sh "ls -la"
>           sh "pwd"
>           sh(script: 'mvn clean package -DskipTests')
>         }
>           }
>         }
>     }
>     }
> Note the i have pre-created the maven-repo pvc before invoking the 
> pipeline.
> The pipeline runs fine, it downloads the dependencies and build the 
> project but the time it takes is high in proportion to the tasks it is 
> executing.
> For instance it the build itself takes a less than a minute (dependencies 
> are cached) but the provisioning of the pod takes almost 3 minutes.
> I am attaching some images that demonstrate the above statements
> I am also attaching a build log.
> What can i do in order to speedup the provisioning of the pods?
> PS Jenkins control plane is on a VM outside of K8s.

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