The following code is a defquery that is not doing anything; I expected a printout of a condition code of 1091 - the one that is part of the

defclass (and thence a definstance executed from within a Java program)) declared as:

(defclass event )

I know event has the conditionCodeId 1091 in that slot as I have printed it out in the RHS of other rules. And an AbstractList$Itr is returned after the query call as in the JIA example.




(defquery find-conditions

;; pattern matches all the events whose conditionCodeID slot holds a number; only one for now

(declare (variables ?wantedConditionCode))

(event (conditionCodeId ?ccId&:( = ?wantedConditionCode))))


;; now invoke the query

(bind ?it (run-query find-conditions 1091))

(bind ?token (call ?it next))

(while (?it hasNext)

(bind ?token (call ?it next))

(bind ?fact (call ?token fact 1))

(bind ?conditionCodeId (fact-slot-value ?fact conditionCodeId))

(printout t "Defquery says " ?conditionCodeId crlf))

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