In case anyone else runs into this down the road, I have now confirmed my
performance problem with embedded Jess occurs when running inside the Jess
debugger *with* a breakpoint set to break on any exceptions.

I have no idea why this causes such a huge slowdown in Jess's jar file but
clearly whatever the reason it's Eclipse's problem to fix, not Jess's.
Removing this general breakpoint means the 30 second call becomes about 1.5
seconds.  Running outside of the debugger pushes the executeCommand() call
down to about 0.75 second.

However, as Eclipse is fast becoming the standard Java IDE it's worth being
aware of these performance issues.  Hopefully, somebody will fix this soon
in Eclipse.  BTW, this problem occurs in Eclipse3.0M8.


-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Douglas Pearson
Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2004 11:36 PM
Subject: RE: JESS: Embedded executeCommand() performance problem

Many thanks for the great reply.  My apologies, I should made it clear that
the loading of the facts is done when no rules are present.  (We load the
facts and then load the rules--or at this point a single rule--and the rule
loading occurs without undue delay).

I quickly tried calling the parser directly (through the Jesp object) and it
had the same slow performance.

Then just as I was starting to write this message a thought occurred to me
and I can now say that the problem is running Jess inside the Eclipse
debugger.  If I run the same app outside of the debugger the load time is
less than a second not 30 seconds.

Needless to say that has me equally baffled and presents a very real problem
for using Jess if I can't figure out why it and Eclipse aren't playing
nicely together.  Of course, that may well just be an Eclipse problem and I
am using a 3.0 build which means it's technically a Beta.

I'll do some more experimenting and see if I can report back anything more
insightful about why this is happening.
In the meantime, has anyone else had any performance problems with Eclipse
and Jess?



-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2004 8:00 PM
Subject: Re: JESS: Embedded executeCommand() performance problem

I think Douglas Pearson wrote:

> The problem is that loading a list of about 2,000 facts this way is 
> taking 30 seconds and I'm just wondering why?
> For debugging we dump the same commands to a file which we can then 
> load into a standalone instance of Jess through the (batch <file>) 
> command and there loading the same list of facts takes less than a second.

Most people new to Jess don't realize that all the actual computation
-- deciding which rules apply, and in what order they should fire -- happens
during calls to assert, retract, and modify. The amount of work these
functions have to do depends on the Rete network, which is compiled from the
rules in the system. You can assert hundreds of thousands of facts per
second if no rules are defined. Once you add rules, it can slow down. How
slow it gets depends on how the rules are written. Chapter 10 of the manual,
and chapter 8 of the book, goes into a lot of detail on this topic.

So anyway, my suspicion is that the performance difference has nothing to do
with either the embeddedness or the use of executeCommand(), but rather that
the two installations contain different sets of rules. 2000 asserts in 30
seconds is very slow, so there's definitely at least one rule with quadratic
or worse performance that could stand to be improved.

> Now, obviously we could (and probably will eventually) move to call
> Rete.assertFact() instead of executeCommand() and I assume the 
> performance will improve.

There should be virtually no difference. Everyone always seems to think
parsing the code is slow. It's not, really. The Eclipse plugin we're
developing uses Jess's regular parser for syntax highlighting, completion,
and intention actions, and it can parse an entire large source file after
every keystroke, in real time, with no noticeable delay.

> The other question is whether there's an equivalent function to "batch"
> that's available in the API so we could load the commands from a file 
> as presumably that would be fast again.

You can, of course, say "executeCommand("(batch ..." If you want to get
fancy, you can use a Funcall object (manual section 4.6), or use the parser
directly. This one-liner:

  Rete engine = ...
  FileReader reader = ...
  new Jesp(new FileReader(reader, engine).parse(false);

will parse and execute a file.

Ernest Friedman-Hill  
Science and Engineering PSEs        Phone: (925) 294-2154
Sandia National Labs                FAX:   (925) 294-2234
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