I think Littell, Todd R ERDC-CERL-IL wrote:
> I came up with:  (eq (call ?fact getName) "MAIN::house")   but I suspect
> there is a much
> more intuitive way than this.?

Not really. Just as in Java, it's better not to lose the type
information in the first place. If you cast something to Object, then
you have to unse the inelegant "instanceof" operator to figure out
what it really is and get the information back.

> For example, suppose I simply have a fact set like:
> (deffacts myfacts
>    (house 34 "abc" 1995)
>    (house (builtin 1993) (roofAge 19) (company "def") (ac "yes"))
>    (house "ghi"))

You can't. A particular template is either ordered or unordered. You
can can't have both.

> What are the basic methods for exploring the structure of a returned fact?

Remember that a fact is an instance of the Java class jess.Fact.
Given a jess.Fact, you can call getDeftemplate() on it, and then ask
that jess.Deftemplate for the number of slots and their names. Once
you know the name of a slot of interest, you can call getSlotValue()
on the Fact to get its value.

But in practice, you'll find that doing anything like this is only
very rarely necessary -- about as often as using the java.lang.reflect
package is in Java programming. I'd go so far as to say that if you
need to do anything like this, especially as a newbie, then you're
doing something wrong. Procedural manipulation of facts is not
something that you should regularly need to do; facts should mostly be
things you match on the LHS of rules, and that's all.

Ernest Friedman-Hill  
Science and Engineering PSEs        Phone: (925) 294-2154
Sandia National Labs                FAX:   (925) 294-2234
PO Box 969, MS 9012                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Livermore, CA 94550         http://herzberg.ca.sandia.gov

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