Title: Pattern Binding for CE

Hello Everyone,

I have the following rule which checks to see if any flags are no longer true, if so, modify qualDoctrine flag to false.

(defrule doctrine-untripped
    ;; sets qualDoctrine to FALSE if any check flags are FALSE
    ?docFact <- (or(and (testTrkClass (qualRng FALSE)) ( testTrkClass (qualDoctrine ~FALSE))) (and (testTrkClass (qualBrg FALSE)) ( testTrkClass (qualDoctrine ~FALSE))))

    (modify  ?docFact (qualDoctrine FALSE)))

However, when I try to load the .clp file that contains the rule I get the following exception message:

This CE can't be bound to a variable and

I have an ID slot defined for the Bean object used to define the facts but can't seem to figure out how to get the fact that triggered the rule so I can modify it for this particular case (all my other rules allow pattern binding). Thanks for any assistance.


Scott L. Krasnigor
Principal Engineer/Scientist
Atlantic Science & Technology
Lockheed Martin - MS2
' 856-359-3094
* 770-2

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