First, let me mention that I'm happy to see someone using the
brand-new "static imports" feature -- the thing that lets you use
(CarClass.MINI) as a constant.

Nice, this makes things a *lot* cleaner. Thanks!

Third, let me mention, as I often do on this list (I really need to
make this point more strongly in the manual) that direct matching
should always be preferred to function calls, and anything else should
be preferred to the "test" CE; this is not only a style issue but a
performance issue.

I'm probably missing something here but isn't this the kind of thing the Jess parser could (eventually) optimize out? Given a test CE with only one variable it seems like Jess could automatically move the conditional up into the pattern the variable is bound in.

Of course, this would complicate ppdefrule, etc when displaying the rule from the optimized form.

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