G'day everyone,

I'm looking to create a java object, and monitor this via its javabeans compatibility. Then if the object's properties meet certain criteria, then a rule fires. I have done this with no problems using the Jess command line, but am now interested in doing the equivalent via the Jess API.

I understand how to do this, but have a queston regarding the storing of rules. I want to store my rules in a .clp file, which if using the Jess command line, i would just use (batch).
How do I create the bean complient object in Java, but ensure the rules in the .clp file know what I'm referring to?

my code for a simple java class is:

import jess.*;

public class JessDemo {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Rete engine = new Rete();
            engine.executeCommand("(batch jess_test.clp)"); //this line causes an error
            engine.defclass("address", "Address", null);
            Address inputAddress = new Address(null, null, null, null, "36","marlow", "street", "wembley", "wa", "6014");
            System.out.println(inputAddress.toString() );
            engine.definstance("address", inputAddress, false);
        catch (JessException error)
            System.out.println(error.toString() );



the clp file to be used with the javabean contains:

(defrule complete-address (newAddress (locality ~nil) (number ~nil) (postCode ~nil) (state ~nil) (streetName ~nil) ) => (printout t "thunderbirds are go" crlf) )

any my original clp file, which i used at the jess command line, was:
(defclass newAddress Address)
(ppdeftemplate newAddress)
(bind ?na (new Address nil nil nil nil "36" "marlow" "street" "wembley" "wa" "6014" ))
(definstance newAddress ?na static)
(defrule complete-address (newAddress (locality ~nil) (number ~nil) (postCode ~nil) (state ~nil) (streetName ~nil) ) => (printout t "thunderbirds are go" crlf) )
obviously I  typed (run), too. it worked no problems.

I know enough that because I have removed the defclass, ppdeftemplate, bind and definstance commands from the top clp file, the rule has no idea about what's going on...

so in a nutshell: how do you store rules in a clp file about an object that is not yet instantiated?



Matthew Hutchinson
Ph.D. Candidate
Department of Spatial Sciences
Curtin University of Technology
GPO Box U1987
Perth, Western Australia 6845 G'day everyone,

I'm looking to create a java object, and monitor this via its javabeans compatibility. Then if the object's properties meet certain criteria, then a rule fires. I have done this with no problems using the Jess command line, but am now interested in doing the equivalent via the Jess API.

I understand how to do this, but have a queston regarding the storing of rules. I want to store my rules in a .clp file, which if using the Jess command line, i would just use (batch).
How do I create the bean complient object in Java, but ensure the rules in the .clp file know what I'm referring to?

my code for a simple java class is:

import jess.*;

public class JessDemo {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Rete engine = new Rete();
            engine.executeCommand("(batch jess_test.clp)"); //this line causes an error
            engine.defclass("address", "Address", null);
            Address inputAddress = new Address(null, null, null, null, "36","marlow", "street", "wembley", "wa", "6014");
            System.out.println(inputAddress.toString() );
            engine.definstance("address", inputAddress, false);
        catch (JessException error)
            System.out.println(error.toString() );



the above clp file contains:

(defrule complete-address (newAddress (locality ~nil) (number ~nil) (postCode ~nil) (state ~nil) (streetName ~nil) ) => (printout t "launching" crlf) )

any my original clp file, which i used at the jess command line, was:
(defclass newAddress Address)
(ppdeftemplate newAddress)
(bind ?na (new Address nil nil nil nil "36" "marlow" "street" "wembley" "wa" "6014" ))
(definstance newAddress ?na static)
(defrule complete-address (newAddress (locality ~nil) (number ~nil) (postCode ~nil) (state ~nil) (streetName ~nil) ) => (printout t "launching" crlf) )

I know enough that because I have removed the defclass, ppdeftemplate, bind and definstance commands from the clp file, the rule has no idea about what's going on...

so in a nutshell: how do you store rules in a clp file about an object that is not yet instantiated?



Matthew Hutchinson
Ph.D. Candidate
Department of Spatial Sciences
Curtin University of Technology
GPO Box U1987
Perth, Western Australia 6845

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