Or more simply:

(assert (a "nice string"))
(assert (b nice)) ; note: "nice" (in quotes) won't work

(defrule r1
    (a ?x)
    (b ?y&:(member$ ?y (explode$ ?x)))
    (printout t "Found!" crlf)


i.e. a non-zero value from (member$) evaluates in the pattern above like a TRUE - or like (neq FALSE ...))


Henrique Lopes Cardoso wrote:

I am having trouble in getting to multifields and strings.
I was trying to evaluate the contents of a string in a rule's LHS:

(assert (a "nice string"))

(defrule r1
   (a ?x)
   ?s <- (explode$ ?x)
   ?s <- (nice ?what)
   (printout t ?what crlf)

I know I cannot do this. But I cannot figure out how to do something like this...

Thank you.


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