Sorry I'm so long in answering this one, but I just returned to the old home site and read all of my email from about mid-October or so.  I'll be back again about Thanksgiving.

Anyway!  There is a most excellent article on this subject in the October 2000 issue of Java Report, beginning on page 60.

Happy reading!  :-0

Ed Meier wrote:

Jess folk,     I have a situation where I need to put a non-serializable object into my UserFunction for Jess to call. It is out of my control to make the object serializable.  I declared it "transient" but I still get "not serializable" errors. Like so: class CallMeBack implements UserFunction, Serializable{   private transient NotSerializing dontSerialMe;   public getName (..)  {     yada-yada   } }  Must my callback function implement Serializable? Is there anything I should know about Jess and serialization with respect to transient variables? I suspect the error is on somebody else, but I just want to check to be sure. Thanks in advance,Ed MeierClark Software Engineering, Ltd.Dayton, OH 




James C. Owen
Knowledge-Based Systems Corporation
6314 Kelly Circle
Garland, TX  75044

214.684.KBSC (5272) cell


"This above all,-- to thine own self be true;
For it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man."
Polonius speaking to his son Laertes before departure
Hamlet, Act I, Scene iii

"NT's lack of reliability is only surpassed by its lack of scalability." -- John Kirch

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