I think that Bhaskar wrote:
>> Is there a way to call one rule from another.

Hi Bhaskar,
First, make sure that you're not trying to procedurally control the rules
from firing, otherwise you violate the Zen of Jess

You might want to try using the "control pattern" technique of simply
placing an extra fact (usually a simple ordered fact) in LHS of a rule such
that it prevents the whole rule from activating unless that control fact is
present in working memory.  By binding that fact on the LHS, you can then
retract it on the RHS if the rule fires.  Repeat as needed by asserting
another control fact that can govern other rules.

>>Is it required for dynamic  bean to have m_name as property and a

I'm not sure what you mean here.  As far as I know (having searched JIA and
the docs), if you build your beans according to spec (e.g., implement
java.io.Serializable, provide a zero argument constructor, follow field
naming convention and scoping, etc.) you shouldn't have any problems -- my
experience is that Jess is pretty forgiving.  Other than that, you can
include any properties that you want in your bean.  BTW - According to JIA
p.93, definstances are dynamic by default, unless explicitly created static.


Jason Morris
Morris Technical Solutions
fax/phone: 503.692.1088

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