Best answer is always the easiest. But one other heuristic that I like to follow is to always express things in a positive manner rather than a negated manner. If it works in the positive manner, reversing can lead to incredibly long and complicated errors in logic. The other answer about a truth table is always good as well. Also, building a spread sheet wherever possible also helps to expose poor logical conclusions and hypotheses.

Dusan Sormaz wrote:

First morning shot on it:

De Morgan's laws: (not ( and a b)) == (or (not a) (not b))

Dusan Sormaz

At 08:17 PM 3/8/2005, you wrote:

Ok, I know that I should know this, but Im having trouble reasoning through it. Why do the following two CEs versions produce significantly different results? The only difference is that Im reversing the and/not order, but this results significantly different activation results.

(not (and (allocation-amount (page ?p)(row ?rowAa&:(same-row ?rowAa ?rowAmt))(x ?xAmt))
(word (x ?xOther&:(< ?xOther ?xName1))(y ?yOther&:(same-row ?yOther ?rowAmt)))))

(and (not (allocation-amount (page ?p)(row ?rowAa&:(same-row ?rowAa ?rowAmt))(x ?xAmt)))
(not (word (x ?xOther&:(< ?xOther ?xName1))(y ?yOther&:(same-row ?yOther ?rowAmt)))))


* Duan
ormaz, PhD, Associate Professor
* Ohio University
* Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering Department
* 277 Stocker Center, Athens, OH 45701-2979
* phone: (740) 593-1545
* fax: (740) 593-0778
* url: <>

SDG jco

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See the good in every one.
Always keep learning.
Teach those who want to be taught.
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Kill No One,
Except to Keep From Being Killed,
Or to Keep Another From Being Killed."


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