I sent Mitchell's request to James Taylor (VP at FIC) for the "official" answer from FIC. It's below.


Begin forwarded message:

From: "Taylor, James" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: November 17, 2006 1:42:35 PM CST
Cc: "James C. Owen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: FW: JESS: Compiled Sequential rule evaluation


James asked me to answer this one, as I know a little about how Blaze Advisor does this.

Blaze Advisor 6.1, for both .NET and Java, has two high performance modes:

- Rete III for high-performance inferencing or forward- chaining

- Compiled sequential for high performance sequential execution (developer orders rules within rulesets)

So it is not really true that compiled sequential is a performance improvement over Rete - Rete III is the execution mode that offers better inferencing performance (relative to the original Rete).

Compiled sequential mode takes the rules, executes them sequentially and compiles them to Java or .NET byte code “under the covers”. You call the rules engine the same way in each case but the rules are executed differently. When you call the complied sequential version you don’t change the call (from the main application) as the compilation is done by the engine. Relative to other sequential execution there is no loss from using compiled sequential. Relative to Rete III you lose inferencing.

Hope that helps

James Taylor

Vice President , Enterprise Decision Management

Fair Isaac Corporation


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