Greetings Jess Users and Abusers:

This is kind of early, but you are anywhere near the Dallas / Fort
Worth area in mid-to-late October 2008, you might want to attend the
"October <Technical> Rules Fest" that will be held somewhere in the
DFW area - don't have a home for it yet but we're really looking since
we have a GREAT slate of speakers.  Check out

for details.  By early June we'll have a page to register and some
more information.  BUT, for now, just the lineup of speakers who have
actually committed to speaking is (not to brag) quite
impressive.  :-)   You can still join the group so that you are kept
up to date on the emails but check back in by mid-June at any rate.
See you there?

"I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself.
A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough
without ever having felt sorry for itself"
David Herbert Lawrence.
(Also in the Movie, "G I Jane")

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