
If you want to create an explicit template, it should look like this:

(deftemplate MAIN::opposite-of

    (slot entity-A)

   (slot entity-B))

Then the facts would be declared as:

(opposite-of (entity-A shore-1) (entity-B shore-2))

However, you'd also have to assert

(opposite-of (entity-A shore-2) (entity-B shore-1))

This will lead to problems with rules firing twice, once on each opposite-of
assertion. To handle that, you can adopt a convention that all commutative
relations, such as opposite-of, are expressed with arguments in canonical
order (e.g., sorted alphabetically):

(deftemplate MAIN::canonical-opposite-of

  (multislot entities))

This will result in facts of the form

      (canonical-opposite-of (entities shore-1 shore-2))

you will have to make sure that facts of the form

      (canonical-opposite-of (entities shore-2 shore-1)) ;;NOT CANONICAL

are never asserted. Also, when you assert a fact you'll to make sure that
the arguments are sorted in the right order (e.g., by applying a

Hope this helps.


From: []
Sent: Monday, November 22, 2010 3:38 AM
Subject: JESS: representation of deftemplate from deffacts

Hi Jess-users,

Just trying to understand, how the following deffacts can represent in

(deffacts MAIN::opposites

  (opposite-of shore-1 shore-2)

  (opposite-of shore-2 shore-1))

Jess is creating a *implied* template for this as below.

(deftemplate MAIN::opposite-of


   (multislot __data))

Here the term *__data* is not very much clear, since if I keep this as
template explicitly as follows -

(deftemplate MAIN::opposite-of

   (multislot __data))

The ruleset is running fine as expected, and JESS is not creating again the
*implied* template in this case. But, if I change it to some other name, say
*data* instead of *__data*, JESS engine throwing a exception (Jess reported
an error in routine Jesp.parseFact.)while parsing the above fact.

Also, if I create the template as follows using *slot*.

(deftemplate MAIN::opposite-of

(slot shore-1)

   (slot shore-2))

But in this case, the deffacts needs to be defined as follows, which seems
not same as mentioned above, and the rule is not working as expected.

(deffacts MAIN::opposites

  (opposite-of (shore-1 shore-2))

  (opposite-of (shore-2 shore-1)))


(deffacts MAIN::initial-opposite-of

  (opposite-of (shore-1 shore-2)

                  (shore-2 shore-1)))

So, if anyone can clarify this.



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