On 4 March 2011 08:18, Jevon Wright <je...@jevon.org> wrote:

>  But I am having trouble with accessing members
> of the elements, using either get-member, or call, or bind.
> (defrule debug-three
>        ?container <- (BooleanPropertyImpl)
>        (bind ?name (get-member ?container name))

You cannot use a function call on the left hand side.

>        =>

It should be fine here in the consequence.

>        ((System.out) println "Found name:")
>        ((System.out) println ?name)
> )
> The reason I am using get-member is that I was trying to see if an
> elements' List contains another element:
> (defrule debug-four
>        ?property <- (BooleanPropertyImpl)
>        ?container <- (PageImpl)

You can also move the arrow up ;-)

>        (bind ?children (get-member ?container children)))
>        (member$ ?property ?children)

>        ((System.out) println "...")
> )
> However, this also fails with the exception above. Any ideas or
> suggestions would be most welcome. :)
> Thanks
> Jevon

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