Hi Ate,

This was a clean first install  (jetspeed-2.0-M2 bundled with Tomcat 
5.5.8) on two separate machines, so there was no interference by previous 
installments. Both threw the same errors that I described previously.

I enabled logging, but I did not see anything in the logs referring to the 
third-party portlets. Perhaps my log4j.properties was not properly 
configured. Can you send me yours?

I also could not find any third-party war files. I think these may have 
been left out of the distribution.

04/10/2005 04:20 AM
Please respond to
"Jetspeed Developers List" <jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org>

Jetspeed Developers List <jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org>

Re: Third party portlets do not work in M2


This is an problem I encountered before but never got around to properly
track down and solve.

I think you installed M2 using the same database you used for a previous
installment of an earlier version of Jetspeed-2 (at least, I encountered
the same problem that way). Jetspeed-2 maintains a cache of 
in the database but still doesn't have a way to automatically update these
when a fragment definition changes (while the fragment id remains 

You should be able to workaround your problem by updating the fragment id 
the psml files.
Or, "delete" the portlet application using the new PALM portlet. You need 
to stop
if first then. Beware: you will also lose your preferences that way.
If the portlet application is started again (through the Tomcat manager or 
restart of Tomcat), it will automatically be registered again.

The strange thing with your specific error is though (and something I 
haven't been
able to track down yet) that the cache entry should be removed after the 
first error
and afterwards (subsequent request) this should not occur anymore.
But I know that isn't the case and your report proves it too.

I haven't been able to reproduce it again myself yet but I definitely want 
to solve
this problem. You could help me out by providing the complete jetspeed.log
(under WEB-INF/logs) after you reproduced this problem at least two times 
again for
the same portlet (just a refresh of the page should be enough).
Hopefully I can derive from the stack traces the exact flow in which this 
goes wrong.
Please *don't* update your psml files before doing that ;-)

Regards, Ate

Craig Doremus wrote:
> The third party portlets that come with Jetspeed Milestone 2 do not 
> appear to work.
> In View mode, the following appears in the portlet window for the Google 

> Portlet:
> Encountered the following problem(s) while attmepting to render portlet 
> fragment: googlePortlet1
> Failed to retrieve Portlet Definition for GooglePortlet::GooglePortlet
> org.apache.jetspeed.container.window.FailedToRetrievePortletWindow: No 
> PortletEntity exists for for id googlePortlet1 removing window from 
> Failed to retrieve Portlet Definition for GooglePortlet::GooglePortlet
> Failed to retrieve Portlet Definition for GooglePortlet::GooglePortlet
> org.apache.jetspeed.container.window.FailedToRetrievePortletWindow: No 
> PortletEntity exists for for id googlePortlet1 removing window from 
> Failed to retrieve Portlet Definition for GooglePortlet::GooglePortlet
> When logged as an Admin user, the following appears in the portlet 
> window for the Google Portlet in Edit mode:
> Encountered the following problem(s) while attmepting to render portlet 
> fragment: googlePortlet1
> Failed to retrieve Portlet Definition for GooglePortlet::GooglePortlet
> org.apache.jetspeed.container.window.FailedToRetrievePortletWindow: No 
> PortletEntity exists for for id googlePortlet1 removing window from 
> Failed to retrieve Portlet Definition for GooglePortlet::GooglePortlet
> Failed to retrieve Portlet Definition for GooglePortlet::GooglePortlet
> org.apache.jetspeed.container.window.FailedToRetrievePortletWindow: No 
> PortletEntity exists for for id googlePortlet1 removing window from 
> Failed to retrieve Portlet Definition for GooglePortlet::GooglePortlet
> Failed to retrieve Portlet Definition for GooglePortlet::GooglePortlet
> org.apache.jetspeed.container.window.FailedToRetrievePortletWindow: No 
> PortletEntity exists for for id googlePortlet1 removing window from 
> Failed to retrieve Portlet Definition for GooglePortlet::GooglePortlet
> Failed to retrieve Portlet Definition for GooglePortlet::GooglePortlet
> org.apache.jetspeed.container.window.FailedToRetrievePortletWindow: No 
> PortletEntity exists for for id googlePortlet1 removing window from 
> Failed to retrieve Portlet Definition for GooglePortlet::GooglePortlet
> The other third party portlets (RSS Plumtree Portlet and Sun Portlets) 
> throw similar errors. This error was confirmed in two separate 
> Jetspeed-2.0-M2 installations.
> /Craig
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