At 08:32 AM 8/6/2003 -0700, you wrote:
Hi Raphael,

--- "Luta, Raphael  (VUN)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If I understand correctly your request in regards to the
> JSR 168, you would like to be able to develop a client based portal
> that leverages the portlet components developped against the JSR168
> API. Is that correct ?
> I think that what you can do in this case is implementing
> a portal "server" on the client, with client side technologies that
> interact with a remote portlet container over the network, for
> example
> through WSRP. In such a setup, your client can control exactly the
> aggregation behavior and still leverage any JSR 168 portlets through
> Since JSR 168 assumes a server-based aggregation process, it can not
> answer alone your requirement but OTOH I don't think it's a
> showstopper
> since WSRP will perfectly handle this requirement.
> Am I missing something here ?

  Are you suggesting that in order to accomodate client-side
technologies that a browser plugin 'portal server' would be necessary?
Users would reject this outright.  I really don't see how this would
solve the problem.  It is the whole interaction model that is the
problem, not where the 'portal server' lives.

Actually I think Raphael has an interesting idea. Let's suppose you're using Mozilla as a client technology. You could design a XUL client that would use LiveConnect to do WSRP requests to a WSRP compliant server (Jetspeed 2?). Within this server the interface of JSR-168 could be used to communicate with the portlets.

But I also have some ideas for improvements for JSR-168, but I believe it can come later. The politics behind this JSR have slowed it down to a crawl, and I think it's is best for version 1.0 to get out the door as soon as possible, so that work may start on the foundation that's been laid out.

  Serge Huber.

- -- --- -----=[ shuber2 at jahia dot com ]=---- --- -- - : A collaborative source CMS and Portal Server

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