If you're using Maven RC 2, try the following :

1. Uninstall Maven
2. Download the ZIP install of Maven RC 2
3. Completely empty the ${user.home}/.maven/plugins directory
4. Uncompress the Maven ZIP, NOT over a previous install of Maven
5. Set the environment MAVEN_HOME to point to your Maven install dir
6. Set the PATH to include MAVEN_HOME/bin directory (or MAVEN_HOME\bin if you're using Windows)

Normally that should do the trick.

  Serge Huber.

At 12:00 31.03.2004, you wrote:

> C:\Apps\jetspeed2\portal>maven war


    [junit] Running org.apache.jetspeed.cache.file.TestFileCache
    [junit] Tests run: 2, Failures: 1, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 3,36 sec
    [junit] [ERROR] TEST org.apache.jetspeed.cache.file.TestFileCache FAILED

> (> ...> )
> File...... file:/C:/Documents and Settings/fyom7305/.maven/plugins/maven-test-plugin-1.5/plugin.jelly
> Element... fail
> Line...... 148
> Column.... 54
> There were test failures.
> Total time: 1 minutes 12 seconds
> Finished at: Wed Mar 31 11:34:33 CEST 2004
> What's wrong ?
> François

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