At 09:46 24.06.2004, you wrote:
Does anyone know a timeframe for when there will be an official release of Jetspeed 2.0?
We are looking at developing a portal based application and it is important that we follow the JSR 168 spec for future portability. Does anyone know what the migration from 1.5 to 2.0 be like if we were to start with 1.5 and port to 2.0 when it is released - or is this advisable?

As far as I know there is no time frame yet for J2 alpha (it hasn't reached that stage yet). The code is getting more stable everyday, but there are still some parts that need completion, especially on the layout side (there was some talk about menu generation on the dev list yesterday).

Basically it's already quite functional if you want to do some testing, but as far as dates go, nothing is set in stone (and I too wish it would be :)).

About migration from J1 to J2 I don't know much about that except that I guess it would be possible to develop a "wrapper" portlet for J1 portlets. But this hasn't been done yet, and there might be some technical difficulties about it (I'm especially thinking about the RunData structure which would have to be built for the J1 portlet).

This is my report on the State of Jetspeed 2 :)


- -- --- -----=[ shuber2 at jahia dot com ]=---- --- -- - : A collaborative source CMS and Portal Server

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