Frédéric FACHINETTI wrote:

I have a portlet that query a database and then display
the resultset using some JSP's.

Now, I want to retrieve the query results not in html format but in a zip file format ie when I submit the
query in my portlet I then have the "save as ..." window
and I'm able to retrieve the query results thru a zipped text file.

I managed to do it in an old perl application by changing the content-type and by printing the result in a zip stream.

But with java and Jetspeed, I have no idea if it's possible and how to proceed.

Is there a content-type specific to each portlet ?

Nope, HTTP only defines a content-type for a whole response.

To do this within Jetspeed, you ned to define a new screen
template for example:

create an action to set the "file" object in the context
to the ZIP file you want to send

in your portlet create a link to this screen like this:

This is standard Turbine stuff so you should probably
check out the Turbine documentation and mailing-list for
further examples of how to use the Turbine screen to
send non-HTML output.

Raphaël Luta - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Apache Jetspeed - Enterpise Portal in Java

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