I have written a very simple portlet that uses hibernate on the backend to connect to DB with c3p0 connection pool. The portlet is very very simple. Just has a submit button on the front and when you click that button, it selects all records from a "table" and System.out's the records on console (or catalina.out). (I am working on making it do more as I get time)

The "table" is the "clubs" table of the Database browser application that is shipped with jetspeed.

Also I have used the "Thread Local Session" pattern at a very simple level which is sugggested by hibernate.

I would like to share the portlet if anyone is interested. This way I can share the work and get more suggestions towards my approach.

Please let me know if anyone is interested. I dont know if I can simply mail the portlet in a zip file attachment on this mailing list under this thread.


----Original Message Follows----
From: David Sean Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Jetspeed Users List" <jetspeed-user@jakarta.apache.org>
To: Jetspeed Users List <jetspeed-user@jakarta.apache.org>
Subject: Re: Can I use Hibernate with Jetspeed 2 ??
Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2005 13:06:18 -0800

Jonathan Hawkins wrote:
What is the issue with the licences.



Again, you can use Jetspeed and Hibernate together in your projects.
No problem there.
We simply can't checkin code into the Apache repository that has imports from Hibernate.

-- David Sean Taylor Bluesunrise Software [EMAIL PROTECTED] [office] +01 707 773-4646 [mobile] +01 707 529 9194

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