Question about Portal Services:

I know that in Pluto, you are able to create a "Portal Service" that may be
utilized by the portlet container (and in effect, portlets within it).  I've
noted that in Jetspeed2, services are configured within the Spring file
"jetspeed-spring.xml".  Another thing that I also noticed, is that the
services defined within that assembly file did not appear to implement any
special interface ... whereas in Pluto I was under the impression that
"services" had to implement a designated "Service" interface (w/init &
destroy methods).  Is this not the case in J2's implementation?

But anyway .... here is my MAIN question .... HOW do you get acquire a
"reference" on a portal service instance from within a portlet's "init" or
"processAction" methods????  For example, if I created a service in J2 named
"MyService", from within my portlet's init method, how do I grab a handle on

Example ....

public class MyPortlet extends GenericServletPortlet
    public void init(PortletConfig config)
        throws PortletException
        MyService myserv = (MyService) <<????WHAT-GOES-HERE????>>;
        if (null == myserv)
            throw new PortletException("Could not acquire MyService!");

I'm having a very hard time finding any discussion or documentation on this
anywhere ... hey, I even bought the book by Jeff Linwood and Dave Minter
about building portals ... still no luck ...


- Frank

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