Hi Sven,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sven Thiergen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: AW: controlling portlet caching in jetspeed 1.5
> When multiple Portlets get displayed on a page, it would speed up
> the Portal if only the portlet whereupon a user interaction happened gets
> updated. The other Portlets may cache their state in that simply their
> fragment (or whatever the output format is) gets stored in a persistence
layer. The
> Portal may take responsibility for this (and should, in fact, if
> one thinks about it more deeply) by providing a configurable framework to
do this.

Before working with Jetspeed, I had written my own "non-compliant" portal,
and what you describe is EXACTLY the strategy I took for implementing
caching ... it seemed to make the most sense ... at least performance wise.

> Here my questions:
> 1. Are there any resources available, where the raised problems are
> discussed on a general based.


> 2. What does the portlet specification says about this, or does it leave
> this subject open to the concrete Portal implementation?

I'm not an expert ... but to the best of my knowledge, I think it leaves it
open.  If someone else knows otherwise, please correct me ...

> 3. How does J2 supports Portlet caching? Are there any cache strategies in
> control, already? Is there anything planned in the near or far future, or:
> Is there a certain strategy J2 developers and users should have in mind to
> comply with what's already there or planned?

There is a setting in the portlet application deployment descriptor (from
the spec) named "<expiration-cache/>" ... I think this is supposed to be a
"timer" setting to specify the length a portal implementation may or may not
cache the content of a given portlet.  I'm not sure if Jetspeed2 has
implemented this or not ... any J2 developers out there know if this is
functional yet???  If so, does a value of "-1" indicate that content should
not be cached at all?

- Frank

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