
I have a portlet working which does an address book lookup. At least, 
it works some of the time! Others, it just posts a blank page and the 
log shows the exceptions listed below.

The WEB-INF/xsl/ParseHTML.xsl file is where it should be - and I know 
it's being found some of the time at least! I also pared the stylesheet 
right down to a single line of "Hello World" in case there were parsing 
errors in it - same behaviour: it is displayed when the byxml URL 
returns short results, and not with long ones.

I'm pretty sure the problem is something to do with the size of the 
reply. If there are 6 or less results, then it works fine, if 11 or 
more, then it fails. (I couldn't find an example in between, but it
seems fairly consistent). Each result is fairly big, so I can imagine 
that this data might cause problems. I've also tried storing the XML 
data returned as a static file, and that works fine with my portlet, 
even with a lot of data in it. The problem seems to be catching it 

I suspect the "Resetting to invalid mark" error is related to the 
size of the XML data. Has anyone seen this before? Is it a known 
limitation or have I misconfigured Jetspeed? Could it be a Tomcat 
problem? Or even Java?

Any ideas appreciated! I'm running Jetspeed 1.3a on Tomcat 3.2.1.

                                Confused of Hursley (Sarah)

[Some data modified to protect the innocent]

[Tue Feb 20 10:52:55 GMT+00:00 2001] -- NOTICE  -- urlResult =
[Tue Feb 20 10:52:58 GMT+00:00 2001] -- NOTICE  -- URLFetcher: found URL with
encoding -> ISO-8859-1
[Tue Feb 20 10:52:58 GMT+00:00 2001] --  ERROR  -- 
        Exception:  org.apache.jetspeed.services.urlmanager.URLNotAvailableException: 
following URL is not available because it is considered invalid:
http://addressbook.corp.com/person/((sn=Eggleston)(givenname=*)).list/byxml ->
java.io.IOException: Resetting to invalid mark
        Stack Trace follows:
        org.apache.jetspeed.services.urlmanager.URLNotAvailableException: The 
following URL
is not available because it is considered invalid:
http://addressbook.corp.com/person/((sn=Eggleston)(givenname=*)).list/byxml ->
java.io.IOException: Resetting to invalid mark
        at java.io.IOException.<init>(IOException.java:49)
        at ...

Followed by
[Tue Feb 20 10:53:01 GMT+00:00 2001] --  ERROR  -- 
        Exception:  org.apache.xalan.xslt.XSLProcessorException: File
"file:///WEB-INF/xsl/ParseHTML.xsl" not found.
        Stack Trace follows:
        org.apache.xalan.xslt.XSLProcessorException: File
"file:///WEB-INF/xsl/ParseHTML.xsl" not found.
        at org.xml.sax.SAXException.<init>(SAXException.java:38)
        at ...

Followed by
org.xml.sax.SAXException: XercesLiaison.parse error
        at org.xml.sax.SAXException.<init>(SAXException.java:71)
        at ...

Followed by
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: File "file:///WEB-INF/xsl/ParseHTML.xsl" not found.
        at org.xml.sax.SAXException.<init>(SAXException.java:38)


In case it helps, the Exception is being trapped in this line of Java:
    return new ClearElement( SimpleTransform.transform( UrlName, StylesheetName ) );
catch (SAXException e) 
   Log.note("Found a %^&*$@# SAXException");

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