Jon Stevens wrote:

> on 2/22/01 4:17 PM, "Santiago Gala" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> All of the* framework is interface based.
> So is Turbine's.
> I really don't see a need to use* when Turbine has a *MUCH*
> more complete implementation of a security framework than just
> -1 on*

The need to use framework comes from:

- being able to reuse security support very well studied and engineered
(java.policy, doPrivileged(), checkPermission() ) inside the VM and get
fine grained support for cehcking permissions or specifying privileged actions.
The java code is already there. It is a matter of using it. Now that java2 is our 
the effort is more than justified.

- being able to integrate in J2EE framework servlet containers simply (EJB, JDBC, ...)

- being able to integrate in a given corporate environment. is 
the standard way to deliver privileges. I think TurbineUser should implement Principal.

- surviving in a securityManaged servlet container. As an example of this,
the admin portlet in Jetspeed will throw a SecurityException if standard security
is on (ReadPropertyPermission on). It the turbine framework is based on these objects,
it will get cached in the proper level and treated as a security exception. If not,
it will be processed as a standard error. Also, the thread pool will have problems 
with calls
trying to set thread priority or stopping threads.
I'm not saying that you drop turbine security. I agree it is cood (nice 
typo=cool+good :). What I'm saying is that turbine should use the 
interfaces and methods there, for instance as a way to handle users ( user.getPrincipal() ) or as a way to check for 
permissions (doPrivileged() and checkPermission() ). Also that we use 
the standard exceptions for security based exceptions, so that try-catch 
is simpler to program and we can survive when a SecurityManager is in 
effect in the servlet container.

Don't you think that ignoring java security will bring problems in the 

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