
Jetty itself doesn't find or read the persistence.xml file, that's
something that is done by the jpa.

I think maybe the jpa is expecting to find the persistence file inside
a jar file, so have you tried putting it inside a jar file in
WEB-INF/lib? If that doesn't work, then you might need to track down
the doco on the jpa impl and check where it is prepared to look for
its initialization file.


On 6 December 2011 12:19, Amaltas <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using embedded jetty and the directory structure of the executable jar
> file is:
> /com/myproject/frontend/
> /com/myproject/frontend/servlets/
> /WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/persistence.xml
> /libs/*.jar
> The Main-Class is com.myproject.frontend.FrontendMain. I set appropriate
> class-paths in manifest files, but the openjpa cannot find persistence.xml
> file.
> I have tried everything like copying persistence.xml in the following
> folders:
> /WEB-INF/persistence.xml
> /META-INF/persistence.xml
> /persistence.xml
> /lib/persistence.xml
> Please note that its pure embedding, everything is set programmatically, so
> no war architecture is involved.
> I have been trying all weekend but with no success. I really want to use
> embedded jetty in my project, but if JPA doesn't work, I will have to try
> tomcat unfortunately.
> Thanks
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