
The default behaviour (spec compliance) is to scan all jars in
WEB-INF, so an empty pattern scans all jars. Here's the comment from
the code:

WebInfConfiguration line 118:  //null is inclusive, no pattern == all
jars match


On 29 March 2012 02:56, Gert-Jan van de Streek <> wrote:
> This configuration does not seem to have any effect, while from what I 
> understand it should effectively turn classpath scanning off:
> <Configure class="org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext">
>    <Set name="contextPath">/langur</Set>
>    <Set name="war"><SystemProperty name="jetty.home"/>/langur</Set>
>    <Set name="defaultsDescriptor">etc/webdefault.xml</Set>
>    <Call name="setAttribute">
> <Arg>org.eclipse.jetty.server.webapp.WebInfIncludeJarPattern</Arg>
>                <Arg></Arg>
>        </Call>
> </Configure>
> On Mar 28, 2012, at 12:27 AM, Jan Bartel wrote:
>> You can set the context attribute
>> "org.eclipse.jetty.server.webapp.WebInfIncludeJarPattern" with a set
>> of patterns matching jar names that you want to include in the
>> scanning.
>> Here's an example of a pattern that is used to control which jars on
>> the container classpath are scanned:
>> .*/.*jsp-api-[^/]*\.jar$|.*/.*jsp-[^/]*\.jar$|.*/.*taglibs[^/]*\.jar$
>> regards
>> Jan
>> On 26 March 2012 23:03, Gert-Jan van de Streek <> wrote:
>>> Classpath scanning for servlets etc is currently taking up about 20 of the 
>>> starting time of our webapp. This is probably due the number of included 
>>> jars (about a hundred).
>>> Is there any way to hint the scanner which jar files to include in (or what 
>>> jar files to exlude from) classpath scanning?
>>> Met vriendelijke groet, regards,
>>> Gert-Jan van de Streek
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