Difficult to tell you what is happening with so little information ;)  What
version of jetty? What configuration of the session management:
SessionCache, SessionStore, SessionIdManager?

Does your webapp involve forwarding between contexts? Does your webapp have
any filters or 3rd party libraries that might create a session?

Have you used a tool like Chrome's developer panel that shows you the http
dialog going on between the tabs and the server? Or tcpdump/wireshark etc

Have you turned on DEBUG level logging for org.eclipse.jetty.server.session?

How does SessionState get set onto the Session? Is it via a
HttpSessionListener? If so, Request.getSession() will create a new Session
if one does not exist, and the listener could set the SessionState on it.


On Fri, 26 Feb 2021 at 13:14, John English <john.fore...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have a webapp requiring a user to log in before doing anything else.
> State information is stored in an object in a session attribute called
> "state". When I log out I do the following:
>      HttpSession session = request.getSession();
>      if (session != null) {
>        session.removeAttribute("state");
>        try {
>          session.invalidate();
>        }
>        catch (IllegalStateException e) { }
>      }
> I go to the webapp and log in, then open another tab for the same webapp
> and log out, executing the code above. I then go back to the first tab
> and click a button which sends a POST request to a servlet that starts
> off like this:
>      HttpSession session = request.getSession();
>      SessionState state = (session != null ?
> (SessionState)session.getAttribute("state") : null);
> The session and the state are both valid objects after these two lines.
> Can anyone tell me what might be happening here?
> --
> John English
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