Some time ago I extended our embedded Jetty (9.4.36) based server application to support websockets using the Jetty websocket API. At this time we want to revisit our previously successful efforts making the application compatible with Jetty 10. But it seems the websocket API has changed quite significantly and many of the classes in org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.servlet and org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.api (notably WebSocketServletFactory, WebSocketCreator, ServletUpgradeRequest and ServletUpgradeResponse) appear to be missing or have been moved/renamed. So now we use the websocket API it appears porting to Jetty 10 has become much more difficult, let alone managing a code-base that allows us to swap one in for the other.

We picked the Jetty websocket API since it allows us to handle the request upgrade at the Servlet level (inside the service method) while the javax.websocket API upgrades to websockets at the context level and is therefore of nu use to us. I hope this is still possible in the revised Jetty websocket API but can not find any documentation about how to rewrite 9.4.x based code to the new 10.x version.

I can live with not being able to switch back to Jetty 9 without recompiling.

Can anyone give me some pointers?

Kind regards,

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