On 5/24/22 10:31, Shawn Heisey wrote:
Where would I do HttpConfiguration.setRelativeRedirectAllowed(true)? That looks like Java code, and Jetty is not embedded.  This is the jetty.xml in Solr 8.x:


If we incorporated the ForwardedRequestCustomizer that Uwe mentioned in our jetty config, would that work for those using a proxy as well as those NOT using a proxy?  I see that this config is already in our jetty.xml, commented.

What I am hoping for is coming up with an xml config that allows this to work properly for all users whether they incorporate a proxy or not.  Most proxies send X-Forwarded-For, and configuring X-Forwarded-Proto is typically very easy.

I uncommented the call to ForwardedRequestCustomizer and configured haproxy to send the X-Forwarded-Proto header.  This fixed the redirect, and it looks like a request sent directly to Solr still works properly too.  Can anyone imagine any unintended side effects from uncommenting ForwardedRequestCustomizer in our source repo's XML configs for jetty?

Is there a more generic fix that would cause jetty to NOT send an absolute URL path in its redirect?  (what I was initially aiming for)


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