Dear szonyi calin,

you probably just stopped reading my email at that last quoted line...

I reported problems which occurred on different versions
on different systems at different times... kernels were mostly
suse-built-kernels 2.4.10, 2.4.18 and 2.4.20 (as far as i remember)
The fsck-tool used was probably fsck.jfs version 1.0.15 or 1.1.1.

Even though I know that some of the problems may not be
reproduceable there are still some ->general<- questions to be
answered... and maybe it helps to find solutions for nearly
"heavy-duty" reliability (which includes the issues that shouldn't
usually happen such as partial data loss, corruption etc...).

Best Regards

The only remaining "evidence" that I have is a 2.2MB logredo.dmp
file that I saved when my homedir went to lost+found...
   magic number: x 87654321
   version     : x 1
   serial      : x a4
   size        : t 8192 pages (4096 bytes/page)
   bsize       : t 4096 bytes/block
   l2bsize     : t 12
   flag        : x 10200900
   state       : x 0
   end         : x 1ead658

>> I'm using JFS for quite a while and gained some experience to
>> share for an estimation how critical (data-loss) the observed
>> problems are.
>> Systems used: i386 with SuSE 7.3, 8.0, 8.1 and 8.2

> If you talk about bugs words like SuSE 7.3, 8.0 etc. are
> irelevant.

> What kernel version are you using:
> uname -a
> jfs-utils version:
> fsck.jfs -V

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