Try pressing insert + space then the letter S. JAWS will say "speech off".
Then press insert + space, then S again. JAWS will say "speech on." It
should no longer be muffled. I have to do this on my laptop occasionally.
This never happens on my Windows 7 desktop at work or my Windows 7 desktop
at home. I've not seen it on studets' machines either. I suspect it has
something to do with specific sound drivers. Fortunately, it's an easy fix
at least for me. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Jfw [] On Behalf Of Marsha via Jfw
Sent: Sunday, May 17, 2015 8:47 AM
To: The Jaws for Windows support list.
Cc: Marsha
Subject: Muffled Jaws all versionse: Accessibility with office 365

  I really need some help.  Jaws sometimes becomes very muffled to the 
extent I can not hear it.  It is in both Jas 14 and 15.  If I switch to 
Winamp, It plays properly.  Does anyone have a clue what the problem might 
be?  Thank you for your help.


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