My goodness, 25 years!  You must have been along-time user of the DOS product.  
I started with JFW 1.x 18 years ago this past spring.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jfw [] On Behalf Of Deidre Muccio via 
Sent: Tuesday, June 09, 2015 12:12 PM
Cc: Deidre Muccio
Subject: new lister

Hello all
I am embarking on getting up to speed with the best of what is out there for 
blind computer users. I've been using Jaws for over 25 years and now want to
add dictation software into the  picture, so to speak.  I live in western
Ma, have been a guide dog user since the late 80's, I have been a masseuse for 
25 years, and now have wicked carpal tunnel which I am headed to surgery for, 
and that is now making me look into setting up my new computer with
dictation software of one sort or another.      One thing missing is how to
find out about tech fairs that include demonstrations of assistive technology 
products from the various developers. I heard that  I just missed a fair 20 
minutes down the road from me because I have not been tuned into any newsletter 
or list that informs me of any of that. I was on FS's site and didn't se 
anything pertaining to upcoming presentations of their products anywhere, other 
than at the July NFB conference. I suppose announcements of this sort are left 
to local vendors of Jaws (and others) products to advertise.
        If there is anyone on list in western Massachusetts, let's say in the 
Springfield area, can you point me to a place where such tech fairs would be 
        I downloaded the iblink app on my iPhone and am able to listen to a 
number of good podcasts on various products for the blind. FS has it's podcast 
listed there. Still it appears as if some of the most popular ones are missing 
from iblink radio. If anyone can suggest podcasts that are not to be missed in 
terms of keeping someone up to date with Windows 8 and up, demos of dictation 
software, new versions of Jaws, I'd appreciate it. I don't know of many 
assistive technology people in my area but they exist. We used to or maybe 
still have Adaptive Technologies and New England Low Vision out east of me but 
there must be people closer in that I could speak to, and who could demo some 
set ups for me.


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