What do you do to list objects?

Best to you from,


----- Original Message ----- From: "Kimsan via Jfw" <jfw@lists.the-jdh.com>
To: "jfw" <jfw@lists.the-jdh.com>
Cc: "Kimsan" <kimsans...@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2015 2:47 PM
Subject: reading objects

I'm testing a scanning software, so my question is this.

After scanning the document, it brings it up in word, I see all the text on the screen, but it says the document has 27 objects. I know how to list the
objects but how do I read the content?    I'm down arrowing and nothing is
said besides blank.

I'm using the 30 day abby fine reader btw.

Thank you.

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