Hello List Friends,


I have been wanting to ask this question for sometime. I am using a Dell
laptop with the full keyboard. Offten, I get a window in the lower right
corner of my computer, regarding Dell updates. I discovered this by
accidentally touching that part of the screen, however; I could not seem to
activate the "update" button. I also went to the "notification area" and
arrowed to the Dell update button, tried to do "space-bar, "enter" and also
tried the "right mouse" button as well as the "shift F10"to bring up the
contex menu, but nothing works. I end up getting a sighted person to "click"
on that button. That does iit, but they seem to have updates rather often,
and each time, I go through the same process.


Is there a solution to this problem? Any ideas would be appreciated.


Barbara Hansen

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