Hi All:
About 3 months ago I lost my hard drive and I am still reinstalling programs
and getting things back to normal.

I have OpenBook and a HP2P scanner, which requires you exclude memory range
cc00 through cfff.  I have JFD, which is a memory hog and with this
exclusion in the middle of your upper memory JFD can not be loaded in upper
memory.  Now I will get to the point of my problem:
1.  I have 516k of the 640k of lower memory available, after JFD is loaded
in lower.
2.  I have defined a short cut key for the MsDos prompt, but it will not go
to DOS.
3.  I can click on the MsDos prompt, within the program menus and it works
4.  I recall Donny (of HJ) telling me, (a couple of years ago) that you had
to make some changes in the memory tab of the MsDos properties, but I don't
remember what they were.

I hope the above is clear and can anyone help.

George Marshall

Visit the jfw ml web page: http://yoyo.cc.monash.edu.au/~nallan/jfw

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