May I corgially suggest the Stedman's Medical Dictionary. I tried
Dorland's which turned out to be an absolute mess. The Windows version
seems to work fine. Call William's and Wilkens at: 1-800-527-5597. Good
Stacy Smith.
At 11:48 AM 5/24/1999 -0500, you wrote:
>Anyone successfully using a medical dictionary with JFW. I need to know for
>a customer; preferably a stand-alone.
>I did visit the page describing what softwear works well with JFW but found
>nothing there asside from a brief description of scripts. I did enter the
>search term "medical." Perhaps I am doing something wrong??
>Your help and wisdom would be muchly appreciated by myself and my customer
>who is requiring said dictionary as part of her job. Other folks use paper
>Doug Parisian
>Entering Your Ear Systems (E.Y.E.S.)
>302 - 960 Portage Avenue
>Winnipeg, MB
>R3G 0R4
>Phone: (204) 775-1789
>Fax/Modem: (204) 783-0055
>Toll Free 1 800 722 6825 (1 800 SCANTALK)
>Visit the jfw ml web page:
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