I don't believe upgraders will get the new training tapes, but a single features tape. I believe the new tapes will cost us $25, but don't quote me on that. since there is a lot of new features in 3.3, I think we should get the new tapes. On Wed, 26 May 1999 14:15:25 -0500 "Tusing" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Greetings, > I do enjoy using IE 5 very much. but I have encountered a few > problems > and questions regarding it. > In reading the JAWS' Help file for IE 4.01, it says that using > the > active JAWS cursor, one can go to a left-hand column by doing > a"Control -+ > numpad 4" and find a right-hand column using "Control + numpad 6". > then one > can read the column of your choice by using"Control + downArrow". O. > K., > does anyone do that and does it work? > I have tried this on 2-columned text pges thus far without > success. > Also a curious thing is happening in IE 5 which did not happen > in IE > 4.01. using the JAWS cursor, I might want to open a link, so I use > the > numpad slash to open that link. Well, that would open a link in IE > 4.01 > using the JAW cursor and reading or whatever. but in IE 5, when I > hit numpad > slash to open the link, I am kicked out of the web site to wherever > I > happened to be before going to that site. > I would apreciate it if other people who might be experiencing > this > problem would respond. > Finally, in reference to the lousy training tapes, i think > contextual > instructions would be in order for using 3.3 in a web page. For > example, > when one goes to the internet home page, should it be maximized? > Please > don't quote me some reference to maximizing some window somewhere > else. the > web is specific and should be discussed as a separate entity. > And I have yet to talk to a single person who uses the reading > of web > pages in the same way. Some use exclusively the PC cursor; some use > primarially the JAWS cursor. I am hoping that these up-coming > training tapes > will do more than tell us how to find the weather--a stupid exercise > in > itself--when contextual, real life information is needed. I hope > that we can > get better information specific to what people "actually do" on the > web as > in reading a real web page. > Because of the lack of contextual training information specific > to the > kind of web page reading that most people do on a every day basis, > my only > recourse is to ask the previous questions about the complicated keys > that > supposedly--supposedly give us access to reading either a left-hand > column > or a right-hand column. > Just throwing keystrokes in our faces without giving us a decent > demonstration where they fit in context is not helpful. > Let's see a real web page and a real"step by step". > Any instructions that do not go that far are not worth much. > Surely on 6 > ytapes, some one will care enough to give us "in context" > instructions on a > real web beyond getting the weather. > If every one read web pages along similar lines, we could get > help from > each other. these tapes--the up-coming training tapes are for new > users and > for those upgrading to 3.3. So the internet instructions should go > beyond > theory to real life practice--if people are serious about helping > the blind. > thank you very much. > > > - > Visit the jfw ml web page: http://jfw.cjb.net want to see what my lists are about, or participate in list discussions before subscribing? now you can. check it out at my list page and see what you think. http://www.angelfire.com/wa/mmdlep/Lists.html From: David Edick<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, ICQ#: 31410451 Phone: (360) 876-9712 Jesus Is, Lord! of my life, - Visit the jfw ml web page: http://jfw.cjb.net