I just got my copy and received the features tapes which is fine with me--no
need to repeat the training.
Betsey Doane, K1EIC
-----Original Message-----
From: David Edick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, May 26, 1999 8:38 PM
Subject: New training tapes: was: Re: Some internet web page questions

>I don't believe  upgraders will get the new training tapes, but a single
>features tape. I believe the new tapes will cost us $25, but don't quote
>me on that. since there is a lot of new features in 3.3, I think we
>should get the new tapes.
>On Wed, 26 May 1999 14:15:25 -0500 "Tusing" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Greetings,
>>     I do enjoy using IE 5 very much. but I have  encountered a few
>> problems
>> and questions regarding it.
>>     In reading the JAWS' Help file for IE 4.01, it says that using
>> the
>> active JAWS cursor, one can go to a left-hand column by doing
>> a"Control -+
>> numpad 4" and find a right-hand column using "Control + numpad 6".
>> then one
>> can read the column of your choice by using"Control + downArrow". O.
>> K.,
>> does anyone do that and does it work?
>>     I have tried this on 2-columned text pges thus far without
>> success.
>>     Also a curious thing is happening in IE 5 which did not happen
>> in IE
>> 4.01. using the JAWS cursor, I might want to open a link, so I use
>> the
>> numpad slash to open that link. Well, that would open a link in  IE
>> 4.01
>> using the JAW cursor and reading or whatever. but in IE 5, when I
>> hit numpad
>> slash to open the link, I am kicked out of the web site to wherever
>> I
>> happened to be before going to that site.
>>     I would apreciate it if other people who might be experiencing
>> this
>> problem would respond.
>>     Finally, in reference to the lousy training tapes, i think
>> contextual
>> instructions would be in order for using 3.3 in a web page. For
>> example,
>> when one goes to the internet home page, should it be maximized?
>> Please
>> don't quote  me some reference to maximizing some window somewhere
>> else. the
>> web is specific and should be discussed as a separate entity.
>>     And I have yet to talk to a single person who uses the reading
>> of web
>> pages in the same way. Some use exclusively the PC cursor; some use
>> primarially the JAWS cursor. I am hoping that these up-coming
>> training tapes
>> will do more than tell us how to find the weather--a stupid exercise
>> in
>> itself--when contextual, real life information is needed. I hope
>> that we can
>> get better information specific to what people "actually do" on the
>> web as
>> in reading a real web page.
>>     Because of the lack of contextual training information specific
>> to the
>> kind of web page reading that most people do on a every day basis,
>> my only
>> recourse is to ask the previous questions about the complicated keys
>> that
>> supposedly--supposedly give us access to reading either a left-hand
>> column
>> or a right-hand column.
>>     Just throwing keystrokes in our faces without giving us a decent
>> demonstration where they fit in context is not helpful.
>>     Let's see a real web page and a real"step by step".
>>     Any instructions that do not go that far are not worth much.
>> Surely on 6
>> ytapes, some one will care enough to give us "in context"
>> instructions on a
>> real web beyond getting the weather.
>>     If every one  read web pages along similar lines, we could get
>> help from
>> each other. these tapes--the up-coming  training tapes are for new
>> users and
>> for those upgrading to 3.3. So the internet instructions should go
>> beyond
>> theory to real life practice--if people are serious about helping
>> the blind.
>>     thank you very much.
>> -
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>From: David Edick<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>ICQ#:  31410451  Phone: (360) 876-9712   Jesus Is, Lord! of my life,
>Visit the jfw ml web page: http://jfw.cjb.net

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