Hi Mike,

I'm a little green when it comes to HTML and web pages, but my girlfriend
has had a site up for a couple of years and wanted to address your exact
concerns when designing her page.  

Check out :

and  www.hwg.org   
[the HTML Writers Guild]

I believe they address the issues of proper web design and accessability.
 They stress conforming to the 4.0 standard (whatever that is -- I think
it's the latest internationally adopted standard).

Good luck

On Wed, 26 May 1999 16:36:24 -0400 Michael Weaver
>Does JFW work at all well when creating web pages?
>How could I go about creating one which is speech Friendly for people 
>JFW or any other screenreader as well as look presentable for people 
>are not Blind?
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