I have long been a Thinkpad fan, and most of their models do work really
good with JFW, but I recently purchased a new laptop and ended up
purchasing a Compaq Presareo 333 MHZ machine with the AMD K6 3d chip.  This
is te Presareo model 1255 laptop.  It works great with JFW and every other
access package that I have thrown at it thus far, and I have almost all of
the speech packages, both Ruby and K1000, and Zoomtext level 2 all on it
and have no problems with any of them.

Price wise the Presareo was $500 cheaper than it would have been to get the
same speed system in an IBM Thinkpad, and that unit's processor was an
older Pentium 1 technology than the 
K6 /2 which compairs to the Pentium 2 processor.

There is a newer model 1270 that is a 350 mhz model that is just like my
1255 and costs about $400 more, but that was the model that I originally
purchased and there were problems with that system not being able to find
any memory above 32 meg at that time at the first week of April of this
year.  If you can find out that that problem has been solved then that
would be the model to get since it has a faster processor and is otherwise
exactly the same machine as the 1255, and it worked fine with JFW also.

At 06:45 PM 5/25/99 -0500, michael malver wrote:
>I will be in the market for a laptop soon.  I want to know what works well
>with jfw. I've heard thinkpads are good, but any other suggestions welcome.
>Visit the jfw ml web page: http://jfw.cjb.net
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