> Hi all,
> in grass preferences of JGrass I have two GRASS parameters: Mapset and
> If I set not properly them it's impossible to use JGrass console.
> I have a question about Mapset parameter.
> If I not set it I have:
> ERROR: LOCATION << null/null >> not available
> I have the same error also if I add the "location" parameter in v.in.ogr
> command (it forces the creation of new location, and permanente mapset):
> v.in.ogr.exe dsn=G:/UTMED50/prep.shp output=toponimi2 min_area=0.0001
> type=point snap=-1 location=prova
> Then it seems that a Mapset must exist before the launch of a grass command.
> But it seems strange to me.
> Imagine I need to create an user interface for r.slope.aspect command in
> JGrass, and I want to distribute it as a plugin inside a specialized JGrass
> installer. Does the installer must create also a mapset location (and then a
> specific projection systems)? And if I want to use my plugin with layers
> with different projection systems?
> Probably it's a stupid question, but I do not find an answer.

Not stupid, but the answer is simple.
A mapset MUST exist before the launch of a GRASS command. This is
because the GRAS mapset holds all the informations (environmental
vars) about the command execution. If you launch g.gisenv (or similar)
from grass you see it all.
Also in GRASS you need to be inside a mapset to be able to import,
export or reproject.

Did that answer your question?


> Thank you,
> Andrea
> -----
> Andrea Borruso
> ----------------------------------------------------
> blog: http://blog.spaziogis.it
> ----------------------------------------------------
> --
> View this message in context: 
> http://www.nabble.com/JGrass-settings-and-Mapset-creation-tp18585818p18585818.html
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