Hi Giuseppe,

> I did the update. I try some test but I have an error in grass output console.
> If I set in default.jgrass:
> #MAPSET=D:\java\documentazione\sviluppo\mapset
> #GISBASE=C:\grass63RC5\grass-6.3.0RC5
> grass g.region.exe -p (for example)
> I have in output:
> startup failed, Script1.groovy: 125: unexpected char: '\' @ line 125, column 
> 43.
> 1 error
> startup failed, Script1.groovy: 125: unexpected char: '\' @ line 125, column 
> 43.
> 1 error

Ok, this is solved by putting a double backslash \\

> If I set in default.jgrass:
> #MAPSET=D:/java/documentazione/sviluppo/mapset
> #GISBASE=C:/grass63RC5/grass-6.3.0RC5
> grass g.region.exe -p (for example)
> I have in output console:
> startup failed, Script1.groovy: 125: unable to resolve class ConsoleHelper
>  @ line 125, column 15.Script1.groovy: 125: unable to resolve class
> ConsoleHelper
>  @ line 125, column 22.
> 2 errors
> startup failed, Script1.groovy: 125: unable to resolve class ConsoleHelper
>  @ line 125, column 15.Script1.groovy: 125: unable to resolve class
> ConsoleHelper
>  @ line 125, column 22.
> 2 errors
> The class ConsoleHelper is in the my classpath.

This sounds like the console xml files didn't properly update because
of changes.
Can you try to replace your local ones with the ones of the repo?
Also make sure that all the plugins got updated.


> 2008/12/1 andrea antonello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Hi Giuseppe,
>> thanks for the testing.
>> I made some further changes and did right now some testing on a windows 
>> machine.
>> The removing of a map that is currently visualised works for me!
>> Didn't try the rename yet, but I guess I will anyway make a pure java
>> version of it.
>> Could you please do an update and test the thing again?
>> I would be extremely glad to mark this bug as fixed. :)
>> Ciao
>> Andrea
>> On Fri, Nov 28, 2008 at 6:37 PM, Giuseppe Cinque <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Hello Andrea,
>>> I did the following test:
>>> 1. Start JGrass
>>> 2. New map
>>> 3. Add a raster layer "thin"
>>> 4. I rename a layer with the command:
>>> grass g.rename.exe rast=thin,renamethin
>>> Console output
>>> Rename raster <thin> to <renamethin>
>>> It's ok.
>>> 5a. Close JGrass
>>> 6a. Start JGrass
>>> 7a. Add the raster "renamethin", it's ok. And there is the error "Non
>>> è stato trovato nessun renderer in grado di renderizzare il piano" on
>>> "thin" raster because this dont'exist.
>>> If
>>> 5a. Add the raster "renamethin", isn't ok, there is "Non è stato
>>> trovato nessun renderer in grado di renderizzare il piano" on
>>> "renamethin"
>>> Hi Giuseppe,
>>>> I use this brach JGrass src:
>>>> https://svn.dev.cocos.bz//svnroot/jgrass/jgrass3.0/branches/jgrass4udig1.1.x/trunk/
>>>> and uDig 1.1.1 lib on windows xp.
>>>> I can try.
>>> Great, I just committed the change on that branch.
>>> I keep my fingers crossed.
>>> Andrea
>>>>>Hi Giuseppe,
>>>>>good to hear from you.
>>>>>> I think that this problem is connected at:
>>>>>> http://dev.fsc.bz.it/pipermail/jgrass-devel/2008-November/000230.html
>>>>>> because again if I close and open JGgrass then it works.
>>>>>> But with a simple refresh of JGrass service
>>>>>> JGrassCatalogUtilities.refreshJGrassService(locationPath, 
>>>>>> progressMonitor);  (1)
>>>>>> at grass operation end it seems to work correctly.
>>>>>> In this case the Lock on locationPath is false after (1) operation.
>>>>>Alright, that system.out was just a check on the syncronization block,
>>>>>and isn't directly related to the file lock.
>>>>>But your hint made me look into it and I found several places in which
>>>>>the filehandle of some stream wasn't closed.
>>>>>I hope I got them all, but I am not able to test that right now, since
>>>>>I am on linux and that supports removing files while I am reading
>>>>>If you are able to try, I am more than glad to commit in the
>>>>>jgrass4udig111 branch (is that the one you are using?).
>>>>>If that solves the problem of map removing and overwriting I owe you
>>>>>both a beer.
>>>>>Let me know if I should commit right now.
>>>>>>Hi Andrea,
>>>>>>> If I add a grass layer in JGrass and then remove it, it's impossible to
>>>>>>> manage it (i.e. rename, cancel) in grass.
>>>>>>>It seems that JGrass locks in some way the grass layer. You can see this
>>>>>>> behaviour in action in this movie:
>>>>>>> http://www.spaziogis.it/dokuwiki/public:jgrass:rename_layer
>>>>>>> In this video you can see I can not rename a grass layer. Is it a way to
>>>>>>> remove this lock?
>>>>>>I am afraid that the only way to do so is to close JGrass.
>>>>>>This is a windows only problem and I have this problem in my major fix
>>>>>>priorities list.
>>>>>>The problem is that the operating system seems to hold the file for
>>>>>>much longer than needed, even if the file handle is closed.
>>>>>>I will have to find a tool (perhaps JConsole would help me?) to find
>>>>>>if somwhere a udig class keeps the filehandle open or if it is a OS
>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>> Andrea
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